Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Back!

Hello everyone....
do you miss me?? hehehehe....

First of all, let me say I am so so so sorry that i have abandoned my blog and not visited your blogs, for over 5 months. I really am guys... :(

There are so many reasons why I did that.

Firstly, I lost my mood. I really really need moodbooster! I didin’t know why it happended. It had happened once, and it happenend again. Maybe I need to change my template to refresh my mood. But... I also didn’t have any mood to search for new template... poor me.. hihihihi.... Actually I still do now..... That’s why I haven’t changed my template yet.

Secondly, about 5 months ago, I just bought blackberry to replace my old cellphone which was missing (my mistake actually, hehe). So by having bb, it made me feel reluctant to open my laptop... hehehe....

Well, i guess that’s all.... not so many, huh? Hehehehehe....

I would like to say thank you to someone who keep encouraging me to try to start writing again... And that’s why I wrote this one, despite of my bad mood feeling, hehehehe....

Well, I think I have to start to go blogwalking now... say hi to my loyal blogger friends... start from you, who have commented on my previous writing 5 months ago, then you, who have listed in “My Blog List”.... Then, maybe I will push myself to start looking for a new template... any suggestion where can i find a good one? hehe

Actually there are so many thoughts in my mind right now, but i will write them down on my next wiriting.... InsyaAllah....

Thank you guys for reading this.... I’ll come to yours as soon as possible...


Anonymous said...

mantap terima kasih buat tutorialnya wkwkwkkwkw

vamos angie said...

@Mundo: tutorial opo tho mas?? aya2 wae sampeyan iki... wkwkwkwkwk

DwiLion said...

emang kadang mood ngeblog suka datang dan pergi. benar, ganti template bisa jadi mendatangkan suasana baru buat nulis. kecuali kalo lagi sibuk ya jangan dipaksakan untuk ngeblog.. :D

vamos angie said...

@Aby: thx for your recommendation, i'll check it :)

@Dwi: iya nih... susah cari template..ampe pusing... hehehe...

Mana org yg mau ditanyain pendapat lom nongol2 juga nih... :(

btw, thx to both of you for visiting my blog, I'll come to yours as soon as possible :)

elok langita said...

halloo mbaaaa... ^___^

welcome back

Chalief said...

welcomeback again Sist... salam kenall.. maen2 ke blog butut saya..hehe


Penghuni 60 said...

Welcome back!!!!

Science Box said...

semoga makin semangat lg utk ngblog, ditunggu postingannya

Yippee Kay Yay said...

hi, I'm anewbie, please support me,
follow me I will do the same

Anton Wijaya said...

Oke mbak selamat datang kembali,i miss u,hehe..oh ya kemaren saya ke jembatan ampera lho, palembang menakjubkan dimalam hari.

Anonymous said...

aku datang , mana katanya mau masang gadget cak punyoku tuh wkwkwkkwk

Arik said...

hallo salam kenal...
selamat ngeblog kembali..ditunggu postinganya....

vamos angie said...

@Elok:halo juga... makasih yah :)

@Chalief: oke oke sya akan berkunjung.. hehe :)

@Penghuni: thx :)

@Science: ya semoga... hehe thx :)

@Kay: okay Kay, i will follow you :)

@Anton: makasih... wah kalo gitu malem2 aja kalo mau ke palembang lagi ya... hihihi :)

@Mundo: dirimu itu kemana? aku dah mau coba pasang, tapi gak ngerti... mana email dan ym error lagi... :(

@Arik: makasih... :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Apa Kabar Komputerku bener2 rusak ney jadi terpaksa nyari warnet untuk ngeblog ,

vamos angie said...

@Mundo: oooh... rusak yah kompie nya.... kirain ngilang kemana... hehehehe cepetan dibenerin... banyak yang mau kutanyain nih... hehehehe :)


welcome back???
i was born hahahha
mbak baru kembali aku baru buat id hehhe
salam kenal
ijin follow sekalian mbak :)

Yulia Rahmawati said...

welcome back
welcome back
saya juga sama udah lama gak nge-blog
ayo kita semangat lagi yuk

Jalalileooz said...

Blog walking.
haha iya emang kadang sering males juga ngeblog.
tapi ayok semangat semangat :)
visit back ya

Rinda said...

finally here i come to angie's blog ^0^
asek asek bisa diajarin euyyy
biar ga terus liat translate gugel ahayyy

Anonymous said...

Ini masih tutorial yang kemaren ya ,, mana ku tunggu ini episod berikutnya hahahaha

Ra-kun said...

terimakasih sudah meninggalkan jejak di laman saya. bila berkenan, silakan singgah lagi :)

vamos angie said...

@Pondok Daud: hai... Salam kenal juga.. Silakan di follow, ntar kl aku ol di laptop, pasti aku follow balik :)

@Lady yulia: ayo semangat....semangat... Hehe :)

@jalalileooz: siiipp ntar aku maen ke sana... Lam kenal :)

@Miss rinda:◦°◦◦°◦нзнзнзнз◦°◦◦° diajarin apa neh? Masak? Hehe

@Mundo : ☺º°˚нåнåнå˚°Âº☺ season 2 nya ntaran...tunggu ol di laptop.... :p

@ra-kun: siiiipp ntar aku maen kesana lagi... :)

@ayas: untuk sarapan oy..:)

@mundo; masa gak lerasa??

vamos angie said...

Waduh.. Yg buat ayas dan mundo salah copy paste saya... Wkwkwkkw maap...maap.... :D

@ayas: Baik juga...amiiinn... "̮ •· τнäиκчöü ·• "̮ yupp...semangat... Hehe

TS Frima said...

have a nice day ^^