Saturday, January 30, 2010


Akhirnya.... kuota baru juga.... udah gatel neh tangah pengen update blog, hehehehe

Kemaren2 aku udah buat planning, kl dah kuota baru, aku akan : mengunduh ebook sidney sheldon, me remove temen gak jelas di fb, dan donlot2 lagu/vk. Karena neh udah malem, jd mungkin besok pagi baru aku akan melaksanakan ini semua....hehehehehehe...

Nah daripada nganggur, skrg mau cari2 web dulu buat free donlot ebook... agak ribet juga neh nyarinya... ntar di bookmark dulu, besok baru donlot2nya...hehehehe

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inet Lelet Sangat!!!!!

Mabok lah.... Inet leletnya minta ampun!!! Semenit serasa setahun!!! Harap maklum, kuota dah kelebihan 2 Giga....wkwkwkwkwkw....

Kayaknya hiatus bentar dari blog neh...Ini nulis dari tempat kerja, curi2 kesempatan disaat Boss gak ada...hhhehehehehe.....

I'll b back next month guys!!!! 

Friday, January 15, 2010

Resistance - 3rd Single from MUSE 'The Resistance' Album

Nih VK Single ke3 dari The Resistance - Muse. Aku juga sekalian ngasih liriknya noh... biar bisa karaoke... heheheheh... Enjoy!!!


Is our secret safe tonight
And are we out of sight
Or will our world come tumbling down?
Will they find our hiding place
Is this our last embrace
Or will the walls start caving in?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance
They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips must always be sealed

If we live a life in fear
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again

Kill your prayers for love and peace
You'll wake the thought police
We can't hide the truth inside

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance
They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips must always be sealed

The night has reached its end
We can't pretend
We must run
We must run
It's time to run
Take us away from here
Protect us from further harm

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Emosi Naek Turun

Ada beberapa kejadian menarik hari ini... 

Pertama, soal ortu siswa. Hari ini aku ngajar 2 cabang, letkol (5 SD)dan veteran (2 SD). Nyampe letkol jam 2 kurang, langsung ngajar aja, biar pulang bisa lebih cepet...hehehehe.... Di sela2 ngajar, Ce Yenni (Adm) ngasih tau kl anak 4 SD mau pindah jadwal ke hr sabtu jam 2 krn ada 1 orang siswa yg gak bisa, Nini. Karena aku oke2 aja pindah hari, jadi di hubungilah siswa2 laennya buat pindah hari. Pas nelpon ke salah satu ortu siswa, ternyata ada yg gak bisa. Mau alasanya??? karena hari sabtu itu anaknya mau jalan2, jd gak bisa les. Wkwkwkwkwk... hebat bener ibu itu, lebih mentingin jalan2 drpd les... maboklah... ternyata pas ditanyain ke anaknya, malah oke2 aja, bisa2 katanya. Asli deh, lebih 'bener' anaknya yang milih les daripada emaknya yg lebih milih jalan2. Aneh... hehehehe.... 

Selesai ngajar, aku masih nyante2 di letkol, bergosip ria sama Ce Yenni dan siswi2 smp, hehehehehe.... tepat pukul 4, aku pun meluncur ke vet, naek BMW a.k.a Becak Mang Wahab. Tuh mamang sadis dah minta bayarannya, untung aku pinter nawar... wkwkwwk....
Nyampe di vet, aku langsung siap2... pas siap2, ada temenku, Ko Juandi yg vokalis band Vyanno, ngasih tau kl dia dan band nya mau ke jkt buat nemuin Yovie Widianto... Hohohoho... kl bener bisa ketemu, they're so lucky.... Mudah2an sukses dah Ko, kl dah ngetop, jgn sombong ma kita2 ya... trus titip salam buat mas Yovie, heheheh...sapa tau Yovie&Nuno lagi nyari vokalis cewek...wkwkwkwkwkwkwk..... 

Oke, lanjut... jam 4.30 aku langsung masuk ke kelas, dimana anak2 2 SD sudah rameeeee dan sibuk maen2... Begitu mau mulai belajar, masuklah seorang Ibu dan anakknya yg ternyata siswaku, Andre namanya. Emaknya bilang "Miss, ini Andre gak mau masuk, katanya takut Miss marahin". dalem hati *wkwkwkwkkwkwwk* tp di depan ibu itu, aku senyum2 sambil bilang "Oooo....Takut aku marahin ya?? ya abisnya si Andre neh suka males nulis, trus tulisannya jeleeeekkk amir..susah dibaca..." trus tuh Ibu bilang ke anaknya "Nah... makanya yg rajin, biar gak dimarahin Miss lagi...." hehehehehe..... 

Sampe rumah aku mikir2, apa bener aku ne galak ya???????? perasaan enggak deh... kan aku marah karena ada alasannya.... masak langsung dapet predikat guru killer?????? No way.... belajar sama aku tuh santai... yg penting nurut dan gak nakal, dijamin cin cay lah... hehehehhehehehee..... 

Tapi ini buat pembelajaran aku juga, supaya lebih sabar dan bisa mengatur emosi... Tapi kl inget kelakuan anak2 yg nakalnya kayak setan, jd naek lagi nih darah....wwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkw......


Bener2 dah kemaren... pada bikin naek darah semuaaaaaaaaaa..... Maunya apa sih siswa2 itu????? heran... dipikirnya aku seneng apa ngajarin mereka???? terpaksa tau!!!!!

Oooppsss.... jgn negative thinking dulu.... Neh bener2 terpaksa, soalnya kelasnya di gabung... mati dah.... belasan anak kelas 3 SD dicampur...apa gak mabok tuh??? mending kl anak2nya normal..lha ini... kayak setan semua.... ckckckckckckckck....

Udah males nyatet, males latian, ribut, maen2, eh mau pulang cepet lagi... Udah dibilangin pulang jam 6,masih aja merengek2 mau pulang, dasar..... Dulu waktu belom digabung, gak separah ini deh... masih normal2 aja, masih waja2 aja. Kayaknya mau kulepas aja kelas itu...

Mudah2an hari ini siswa2nya aman2 aja... Huuuuffttttt.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


At first, I thought I would never have a blog since I don’t know how to write well. But lately, I don’t care if my writing is horrible or awful, I just love my blog!! Hahaha

I think all of my friends know that I really love Michael Jackson and Muse. I have tried so hard to find MJ and Muse background for my blog and my plurk, but I got nothing. Well, there is one for MJ, but I don’t like it. So, I just got this background (Rockstar) and put Muse’s picture on top from my notebook. Why Muse? Why not MJ? Well, they’re equal in my heart, but at the moment when I edited the blog, my intuition just directed me to use this picture… hehehehe….

While for plurk background, it’s quite funny lol… I couldn’t find any MJ or Muse background/layout/theme, and I couldn’t put any picture from my notebook. While I was browsing it on the internet, I found twilight’s themes. Gosh… It’s so unfair… there are twilights everywhere but none for MUSE!!!! What the…!!! Well, despite my hatred, I chose one of twilight themes for my plurk background. Actually, it's quite nice… It’s a man who starred in Twilight. Quite good loking….I like it!! Hahahaah….

Later at night, I met a friend of mine on msn. She is twilight’s fan!! When I told her about my plurk’s theme, she asked me the name of the man who starred twilight!! Hello???? I know nothing about Twilight and I don’t give a shit who the stars are!! Hahahahahahaha….

Well, the only thing I know about Twilight is Muse’s songs (Super massive Black Holes and I belong to you) are the OST of Twilight series (Twilight and New Moon). And I just get informed that another Muse’s song will be on the last series of Twilight too (Eclipse). Hmm… I never watched the first two films… Should I watch the third? I don’t know yet.. hehehehehe…..


Sumpah!! Nyeseeeeelllll…… banget nget nget….. kenapa dulu aku nge add dia…. Uuurrrggghhhh……. Kalo tau gini, sorry aja mau nge add dia duluan…. Najizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Maksudnya apa sih??? Emang dia siapa????? Emangnya aku ngebet banget mau jadi temen lu???? Kl bukan karena ‘sesuatu’ dan terpaksa, gak bakalan aku nge add elu!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

People who inspire me

I don’t know why I want to share it, but it suddenly comes through my minds people who have touched my life, who inspire me, and I really love them so much. I know that my family comes first, but I won’t put any of them in my list, because my family members are not ‘people’, they’re my family..

Before I start with my list, I just want to say that above of all, I really love my God, Allah SWT. Dear Allah, thank you for giving me such wonderful people in my life, for what I’ve got, for what I was, what I am, and what I will be. I know I’m not a good Moslem, but hopefully this lyrics can reflects what’s in my heart.

Opick - Rapuh 
Detik waktu terus berjalan
Berhias gelap dan terang
Suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
Tergores bagai lukisan

Seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
Hadir bagai teman sejati
Di antara lelahnya jiwa
Dalam resah dan air mata
Kupersembahkan kepadaMu
Yang terindah dalam hidupku

Meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
Kadang tak setia kepadaMU
Namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah PadaMu

Maafkanlah bila hati
Tak sempurna mencintaiMu
Dalam dada kuharap hanya
DiriMu yang bertahta

Detik waktu terus berlalu
Semua berakhir padaMu

Okay now let’s begin the list.
1.     Muhammad SAW
        This is the best man in the universe. Just like what I’ve said, I know I’m not a good Moslem, but I know that I really love Rasulullah and I cried when I watched this.
2.     Michael Jackson
        Michael means a lot to me. He inspires me with his heart, his music, his voice, and there are so many good things that I’ve done because of Michael. To be honest, I think he is my first love.
3.     Rafael Nadal
        He is another good man who has touched my life. He taught me that no matter what, just don’t give up until it’s really over, because sometime, miracles come in the last minutes.
4.     Matthew Bellamy (Muse)
        This is the man who keeps me thinking that life is so short. Just do it now, don’t wait until tomorrow cause time won’t wait you. Use your time wisely in positive stuffs, because if you waste your time in negative stuffs, time will waste you in negative stuffs as well.
5.     My very best friends
        I don’t think I have to mention their names since I believe that when they read this, they know that I’m talking about them. These people are always being there when I need them. Our friendship is so strong, and it’s going stronger and stronger everyday. They always keep me on track, and always give me support when I am down.
6.     My best friends
        These are people who came to my life just a few months ago, and have touched my life since then.
7.     My students
        Maybe their influences to my life are not as big as my very best friend and my best friends. But one thing for sure, they always  fill my days with their unique behavior..

I hope that everybody who reads this note, will say “ooh..that’s me”
Well, that's all about people who inspire me, who love me, and whom I love so much...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Binun gimana mau mulainya neh…
Pokoknya kesel banget sama status temen2 yg pada lebay….
Tau juga baru beberapa bulan, tp sok nya kayak dah kenal puluhan tahun… heran…

Selaen lebay, ada juga yg sombongnya minta ampun dah… paraaaahhh….. ckckckckkc… ambil gih semua.. gak minat!!!

Trus pada sok2an pake inggris lagi…. Ampuuuunnn….. mending kalo bener, lha ini, udah banyak salah, sering lagi….kl salah2 dikit sih gak masalah lah ya… terus jarang2 juga makenya… tapi ini..udah banyak salah, sering pula pake inggris..udah tau gak bisa, masih aja..udahlah.. pake bhs Indonesia ajalah… drpd bikin orang pusiiinnggg…..  

drpd malu2in pake kata2 “hey, where are Tukul? He so cute “ kan mending langsung aja “ hey, tukul mana ya? Dia cute bangeeeett….”

atau “I’m love someone in us school. What are you think?”
kan mending “eh, gw lagi naksir ma seseorang di sekolah kita neh…gmana menurut elo??”

Perhatian..contoh2 itu aku ambil langsung dr status2 mereka yg lebay2 itu…cuman nama Tukul aja yg aku ganti, tadinya bukan Tukul, tp ada lah… hehehehehe…..

Itu baru statusnya…belom lagi komen2 dibawahnya yg gak kalah lebay dan gak kalah eror inggrisnya…

Cape deh...

Bosen ngajar????

Duh sumpah deh... akhir-akhir ini aku males banget ngajar, bosen!!! Gak tau kenapa... mungkin karena rutinitasku itu-itu aja ya, siswa juga itu-itu aja... gak ada tantangannya... cie... hehehehehe.....

Kemarena sempet ngomong sama kakakku, kalo aku bosen ngajar...pengen cari kerja yg laen... tapi kakakku itu bilang "emang kamu mau kerja yg gimana?? bukannya kamu emang suka jadi guru?? bukannya kerjaan kamu yg skrg tuh enak, gak ada beban, gak ada target???"

Bener juga sih kata kakakku itu...tapi aku pengen sekali2 ngantor gitu... duduk didepan meja, ngadepin laptop/kompie, ngetik2 apa kek... hehehehe... pengen aja ngerasainnya gimana.... hehehehe..

Tapi setelah kupikir2 lagi.. gak enak juga kerja kantoran... masuk pagi pulang sore.... terus kalo aku bosen lagi, gimana coba??? hmmm..... akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk tetep ngajar lah.... kayaknya emang lebih santai...heheheheeh.... masuk siang atau sore... kerja cuman 2-3 jam tiap harinya...  duitnya juga lumayanlah.... hehehehehe....

Dan 1 lagi, walopun aku bosen liat siswa yg itu2 aja, tapi aku sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnggg banget sama siswa2ku.... hehehehehe.... Salah satu siswaku tuh ada di poto, anak kelas 2 SMP Maria Palembang.... hehehehe....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Memories of 2009

Tahun 2009 udah kita lewati...banyak banget kenangan yg aku dapeting di thn 2009 kmrn... Kebahagian, Kesedihan, Kehilangan, semuanya terjadi di thn 2009.....

Di tahun 2009 aku kehilangan seseorang yg sangat berarti banget, seseorang yg mengispirasiku sejak aku SD, seseorang yg menemani hari-hariku dengan musiknya yg indah, lirik yg menyentuh, suara yg menyentuh kalbu... my friend, my love, my soulmate, Michael Jackson.... T_T

I really really love this man since I was a child. I love him so much... and I love his voice, his music, but the most important is, I love his heart. His heart is so pure like a child... I cried when people said bad things about him. How could you harm a man with child heart like him???? He never hurt any living things, but most people always hurt his heart. I would do anything to take the sadness in his heart... I'll give him my life to make him happy. I'd do anything for him.

Farewell my love, may you rest in peace... Wait for me.. I'll come to you soon after God take me from this earth to accompany you in heaven....

Dibalik kesedihan, pasti ada secercah kebahagian....

Di tahun 2009 ini Muse merilis album baru... Band yg menurutku Best of the Best of all time... hehehehe....

Di thn 2009 aku juga bertemu teman-teman terbaik, baik itu di dunia maya maupun di dunia nyata..Teman-teman yg selalu ada buat aku, tempat berbagi cinta dan kasih. Kesedihan dan kesenangan telah kami lalui bersama....

I just wanna say "Dear my best friends, to me, all of you are more than just 'friend'... You are my soulmates, my sisters...and my brothers.... maybe I'm just an ordinary friend to you, but for me, all of you are my extra ordinary people who have touched my life. I love you with all my heart."

Mudah2an kita semua bisa melalui tahun 2010 tanpa kehilangan seseorang yg kita cintai... mudah2an semua kenangan indah di thn 2009 bisa terulang kembali, bahkan lebih baik dari sebelumnya...


Udah telat banget sih, tp gak papa deh... Better late than never, right?? hehehehe...

So Happy New Year to all of YOU : My family, My Friends, My Students, and My Fans... jiah... hahahahahahahahaahahahhaah.......