Monday, February 15, 2010


dari Ki-Ka : Ko Handoko, Ce Theres, Ce Dewi, Ko Erwin, Ce Anita, Angie, Ko Edwin, Ko Johan

Met Sincia buat semuanya!!!!

Hari ini sumpah capeeekkk dan kenyaaaaannnngggg..... Tadi dari pagi/siang (jam 11) sampe sore (jam 5.30) kita Sincia (Sanjo2) rame2, hehehee.... 

Oke, here's the chronology, heheheheheh....

Pertama2 kita ngumpul di Ingatius Veteran jam 11 pagi/siang, kebetulan Boss ada Open House. Diawali dengan Es Buah (3 gelas), lalu berlanjut ke Sate Ayam+lontong (2 porsi), empek2+otak2 (2 Porsi), kue2 kering+basah, dan ditutup dengan 1 kaleng coke. 

Kemudia acara 'sanjo2' pun dimulai. Yang ikut: Angie (diriku), Ko erwin (sang pemilik dan pengendara mobil), Ce Anita, Ce Dewi, Ce Yenni, Ce Theres, Ko Edwin, Ko Johan, dan Ko Handoko. 

Perjalanan diawali dengan menyerbu ke rumah Ce Yenni. Dikarenakan tak satu pun yg tau dimana rumahnya, jadi Ce Yenni memandu kami dengan mengendarai sepeda motornya. Sampe disana, kami pun disuguhi dengan empek2, kue kering+basah, kemplang ikan, dan fresh drink. Entah berapa porsi aku makan, hehehehe....

Lalu kami pun bergerak menuju ke rumah Ce Theres. Sekali lagi, Ce Yenni memandu kami, hehehehe. Tapi kemudian Ce Yenni pulang karena ada urusan. Disana kami sekali lagi disuguhi empek2, kue kering+basah, buah2an, dan fresh drink. Once again, ntah berapa banyak yg masuk ke perut, hehehehehe....

Lalu kami beranjak ke rumah Ce Anita. Empek2 menyambut kami, dan kue kering+basah, Yuppy, dan fresh drink. Disini perut sudah mulai kembung, wkwkwkwkw......

Penyerbuan dilanjutkan ke rumah Ko Edwin. Walopun perut kenyang, makanan tetep masuk ke perut, hehehehehe... Ada Laksan, kemplang ikan, kue basah+kering, dan fresh drink. Kami duduk ngobrol untuk menurunkan makanan, karena masih tersisa 1 rumah lagi yg akan dihabisi...wkwkwkwkw....

Akhirnya sampai pada rumah terakhir, rumah sang pemilik dan pengendara mobil yg dengan berbaik hati mau mengantar jemput kami... (weekkkkk), wkwkwkwkw.... Kami pun memasuki rumah Ko Erwin dengan perut kosong, jiah.... wkwkwkwkw....
Kami menyerbu Tekwan, Rujak Mie, empek2, kue kering+basah, dan fresh drink. Lumayan agak lama kami disana, bolak balik nambah, ngobrol2 dan berfoto ria. 

Jam setengah 6 sore, kami pun pulang, dianter Ko Erwin lagi, Pertama2 nganter Ko Edwin dan Ko Handoko, lalu Ce Theres. Setelah nganter ce Theres, rencananya mau nganter Ce Anita lalu ke Ignatius Veteran lagi untuk nganter aku (minta jemput papa disana), dan KoJohan+Ce Dewi (Motor mereka ditinggal disana). Tapi ditengah perjalanan menuju veteran, tiba2 ketemu sama papaku di Rajawali, jadi aku stop disana, dan say good bye and thanks to all....

Sekarang, perut ku kekenyangan.... I can't move my body.... however, I still can move my fingers to type this, LOL

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Kecewa!!!! baru kali ini aku kecewa sama Sidney Sheldon...Hiks..... Rata2 novelnya sidney sheldon dah kubaca, kecuali ada beberapa judul yg belom pernah, salah satunya Rage of Angels, yg kalo di buku terjemahannya berjudul Malaikat Keadilan.

Sumpah, sebenernya ceritanya bagus banget, ttg seorang pengacara cewek yg pinter, namanya Jennifer Parker. Dan ceritanya masuk akal gitu, maksudnya, walopun dia pinter dan baik hati, tetep dia cuman cewek biasa yg bisa melakukan kesalahan, salah satunya, jd selingkuhan calon senator, hehehehee...... pokoknya kehidupannya berliku2 deh, dia berjuang membela org2 kecil yg gak punya uang yg difitnah membunuh, membela org cacat utk dpt ganti rugi, dll dll. Trus sampe dia hamil, sang senator gak bisa ngawinin dia krn istri si senator juga lg hamil, trus anaknya diculik, trus selamat, trus sakit, dan akhirnya meninggal. Dia juga punya musuh, yaitu jaksa yg mengira Jenifer neh pengkhianat, padahal dia dijebak. Pokoknya seru banget lah.

Nah, ada 2 cowok yg ada di kehidupan dia, dua2nya cinta mati sama Jennifer. yg pertama si senator tadi, Adam Warner, yg kedua Michael Moretti, sang mafia yg telah menjebak jennifer tadi. Yang bikin aku kecewa adalah endingnya. Aku pengen banget si Jennifer neh sama si Michael, hehehehe, trus di Adam cerai sama bininya, dan si jaksa yg nyebelin itu mati or apa kek...hehehehe..... tp yg terjadi malah, si Michael mati, si Adam jd presiden ma bini dan anaknya, dan si jaksa masih tetep benci sama jennifer...ckckckckckckc.....

Mungkin pada bingung kok aku pengen Jeniffer sama Michael. Oke lah..dia mafia, penjahat, pembunuh, pokoknya dia dah ngelakuin semua kejahatan deh....malah dia yg menjebak jennifer di awal cerita. 

Tapiiiiiiii Michael lah yg menolong jennifer, bukan adam. Michael lah yg bersusah payah menyelamatkan Joshua, anaknya jennifer dan adam, Michael juga lah yg menyelamatkan jennifer waktu jeniffer pelan2 mau bunuh diri karena ditinggal mati Joshua. 

Pokoknya Michael tuh bener2 bikin aku cinta deh. Di satu sisi dia jahat, tp disisi lain dia kayak pahlawan, ksatria, pokoknya keren lah....hehehehehe....

Aku malah benci sama Adam. Bilangnya mau menceraikan istrinya, gak taunya malah bikin istrinya hamil, dasar.... Istrinya juga jahat, bilangnya oke, mau diceraikan, eh gak taunya pasang jebakan rayuan biar bisa dihamilin.... sebellll..... 

Memang sih Adam gak bisa menyelamatkan Joshua krn dia gak tau kl punya anak dr jennifer, tp tetep aja selama baca novel ini, kesan yg aku dpt neh si Adam neh kurang macho, ngomong doang, bilang cinta gak ngelakuin apa2, malah asik2an sama bininya yg juga nyebelin itu. Beda banget sama Michael yg cepat bertindak, dan emang dia cinta mati sama Jennifer. Gara2 si Adam neh maksa2 jennifer buat ketemu, akhirnya ketahuan sama Michael. sejak ketahuan, aku dah ngira neh endingnya gak bakal sama Michael, tp masih berharap ada kejutan dr sidney sheldon, tp ternyata.... malah mati....huhuhuhu...kejam.... 

Harusnya endingnya tuh si Michael jgn dibikin mati, harusnya dia dipenjara aja, tp pas bebas, dia tobat, dan kawin sama jennifer. Hehehehehehehe..... 

Tadinya abis baca ini, aku mau lanjut baca The Star Shines Down, tp karena masih diliputi kekecewaan, ntaran aja lah...besok palingan baru baca lagi...skrg masih mau menghayalkan ending Rage of Angels versi aku sendiri.... hehehehehe....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What????!!!!!! Damn it!!!!

Oh My God!!!! It's just the eleventh of February and my Internet limit is running out! Damn it!!! And I know what cause it. It's because I have downloaded so many e-books and so many templates for this blog. LOL

Well, I must stop downloading start from now on and get ready to have low speed of internet. And I'm afraid that I can't update my blog as often as usual, and after I pass the limit, I'm afraid that I can't update it at all. Sad but it's a reality that I must face. Hehehehe....

And I also have to use Facebook Lite instead of the regular one. It's means that I can't chat with my friends since the chat widget often error with slow speed of the internet. 

Usually, my limit will run out at the end of the month, so I just have 3 or 4 days with the slow speed of the internet. But this month is so special, it's the vice versa. I have only 11 days with fast speed, and I have about 20 days with the low one. Hate it but have to face it. 

One lesson that learn from this is stop downloading! Hehehehe Maybe not stop, but try to reduce the frequency. I think start from next month, I have my own limit in downloading. Not more that 10 files per month. All types of files - songs, video, e-book, template. etc. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dari tadi nyoba2 template, susah banget dapetin yg sreg, hehehehe....
Dapet si A, tapi gak bisa B, dapet yg C, eh gak bisa D tapi bisa B, nemu lagi yg E, eh gak bisa semua padahal warnanya bagus banget.... Hmmm.... bingung....


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Michelle 3rd Birthday

Michelle and Mommi

  Michelle & Me


Aunty Kisses Michelle

Michelle kisses Aunty

Twins :D

Happy Birthday, Michelle

Today is my lovely gorgeous niece's birthday, Michelle. She is now 3 years old. I never mentioned her before, but now it's the right time for me to share with you.

Michelle Sava Giselle was born on Feb 7th, 2007. She is my sister's daughter. I think people who know me, know that I love children very much. And I can't tell you how much I love Michelle. She calls me Aunty. I like to play with her all the time, feed her, bathe her, make her milk in the middle of the night, and I know that she loves me too. 

Michelle likes to sing a lot. She knows most of children songs. Not only that, she can sings many adult songs like Rossa's. She heard the adult songs from my sister, because my sister likes to sing along at home. Michelle is a brilliant girl. She can memorize a new song in a day! Even she can sing 'Garuda Pancasila'. And, she can sing western songs, like Ben - Michael Jackson and Happy Birthday. Off course, with terrible pronunciation LOL.

I know that many children/toddlers can sing children songs too. But what makes Michelle different is that she can sing all those songs, children and adult songs, with the perfect tunes. I often hear many children/toddlers at the same age as Michelle (toddlers under 3 years old) sing a song with terrible tunes. And that's normal, since there are so many adult even can't sing with the right tunes. But Michelle can sing perfectly. 

I think it's all because my family have art blood. My mother was a pop singer when she was teenager, but only in Sumatera Selatan area, because my grandfather didn't allow her to be a singer in Jakarta. So my mother often appeared on TVRI Palembang. My sister (Michelle's mother) also has beautiful voice, but not as beautiful as my mother's. She also can play keyboard while my mother can play piano and keyboards. Actually, I like to sing a lot too like my mother and my sister, but I think they are better than me. I just sing for myself, I don't care if it's beautiful or terrible, hehehehe...But I can sing in perfect tunes with little bit vibration, but once again, not as good as my mother's and my sister's vibration, hehehehe....Hey...I can play the keyboard too, but I only can play it for myself, hehehehehe... because I just can play the accord, not the melody... LOL So if you wanna sing, don't ask me to play the keyboard, unless you want me to ruin your performance... hahahahahaaha..... My brother can play guitar and actually he can sing too but he's too shy to sing in front of big audience, so he just sings at home.

None of us is a professional singer, well, only my mother who appeares on T V. And I think Michelle won't be either. My sister has told us that she will encourage Michelle with her talents, but she won't force her to be a singer, unless Michelle decides by herself later.

Well Michelle, you know how much I love you. I'd die for you, you're my light, my angel, my soulmate, my inspiration, my motive, my spirit, and I would do anything to make you happy.

Happy birthday my love, I wish you all the best, and may Allah gives you happiness for the rest of your life.  

Thursday, February 4, 2010

UN oh UN....

It's been 2 days that I came home at 9 pm. Maybe it won't be a problem for some of you, but it is for me. I never had night class before this, so this is my      first time to teach after maghrib time. And it's all because the UN class has begin from last wednesday. 

One of the problem dealing with UN class is the amount of the students. UN class consists 3 classes. Each class consists of about 15 to 20 students. So, can you imagine how many students that I should teach at 6.30 to 8 pm???????????? 

Another problem is the noise. It wasn't like a class, it was like a market. From all students, maybe only 40% who took it seriously and paid attention to the subject. And the rest??? They talked each other, bothered their friends, made some jokes, etc. I said to them that if they didn't want to study, then just go home and don't waste your time being here. Okay...they said "sorry miss... okay..we will study seriously...". But it only lasted for about one minute. And then ??? You tell me. I think I'm going to have sore throat at the end of this week.... hehehehehehe....

Now, I think it's useless to yell to/ask/tell them to be quite, because they won't listen, and I can't kick them out of the class because it's not a school, it's a course. So my plan for next week is just teach the students who really want to study and go to hell to the rests. Hahahahahaha...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You can leave comment now... LOL

So sorry guys if you can't leave comments. It's my mistake... There's something I forgot to check at the setting area.

Thanks to Sisfel for telling me this problem, hehehehe... I never tried to leave a comment on my own blog, so I didn't know if it couldn't be used. Sisfel told me that she couldn't leave a comment a few hours ago, and I checked my setting area. At first, I got confused. I said, "What's wrong??? I think everything is just fine. Why can't I leave a comment???"

It took me almost an hour to find the 'missing part' at the setting area...hahahahaha....
But the problem has been solved. You can leave your comments about my articles. Or you can just speak up your mind on the shoutmix.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Tribute to Michael Jackson at Grammy Awards 2010

The only reason why I watched The 2010 Grammy awards a few hours ago is just because I wanted to see the tribute to Michael Jackson and I really wanted to see Prince. Gosh... He's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... LOL

I felt so bored watching the grammy, because I don't understand the music, but I had to wait for Michael and Prince. And then... Lionel Richie came on stage and presented the tribute. It was briliant...they sang Earth Song, there was Michael's voice... My God... I miss him a lot...And then... Prince and Paris came on stage to receive A life time achievement award for their father, Michael Jackson. Paris is so beautiful, and Prince is gorgeous!!!! Prince looked like nervous, but Paris felt confident. I don't know why Blanket did not show up, but that's okay. 

Gosh.... I love Michael so much and I love his children too...especially Prince... LOL

Grammy oh Grammy

Actually, I don't like to watch Grammy, because I don't like American music, and that's what happen in Grammy. It's hard to distinguish between Grammy and American Music Awards since both of them are for American Music. Just like Academy Awadrs, it's only for American. But Hello????? There are a lot of good mucic outside USA, but american people are too arrogant to face that there are some music which better then theirs. I thought Grammy is universal, but I was wrong.

Okay...There are some Europian singers/bands who won the grammy, but only 2 or 3. Now compare to American singers. I have a thought that the only reason why Coldplay can win the grammy, just because they changed their taste of music for the last album (which won a grammy last year) and tried to satisfied the american fans in order to conguer USA. I used to listen to coldplay's older albums, and I quite like them. But I don't like their latest, only 1 or 2 songs...and I hate the rests. I think this is just assures me that I don't like American music.

Have you heard Jonas Brothers? if you haven't yet, I suggest you to pick one of their songs. After that, pick one of MUSE songs. Then compare them. Please focus on the techniques, then tell me, which one is better. I believe that you will answer: MUSE. But if you answer the jonas brother, well...maybe you don't understand the techniques of making good music, or you are the jonas brothers fans.

And guess what???
The Jonas brothers got nominees for Grammy last year and Muse got nothing.